Home » Abundance » 15 Ways to Transition from a Scarcity Mindset to an Abundance Mentality

15 Ways to Transition from a Scarcity Mindset to an Abundance Mentality

If you’ve watched my video on an abundance model of living and you’re interested in trying it out, this article is for you, because I’m about to list the simplest ways to make that happen.

If you haven’t watched the video yet, here it is below. I recommend you watch it before reading on, because it explains exactly how having an abundance mentality is better for your health and happiness than the scarcity mindset a lot of us are raised to believe in.

So without further ado, here are the top 15 easiest ways to develop an abundance mentality:

Title Icon: 1 - What you resist, persists

So stop thinking about what you don’t want or what you’re afraid of, or that’s what you will be bringing more of into your life. Focus instead on the wealth and beauty in your life. I explained how this works in more detail in this video. When you choose to see fortune and opportunity everywhere, no misstep is ever a problem, because even if things don’t go as you expected, you can still choose to see how that can benefit you in some way. Try to look for win-win situations, because when you see that there’s always a way for everyone to benefit, you’ll realize that scarcity is a lie you don’t have to buy into.

Title Icon: 2 - What you appreciate, appreciates

Your life circumstances only depreciate when you don’t show gratitude for what you already have. I’ve already made a video on gratitude, so if you want to learn more about the science behind it and how feeling it more often can help you cultivate a life of abundance, click here. So look for the positives in every loss. I know it’s isn’t always easy, but if you take the time to reflect on and acknowledge what’s going right for you, you’ll rarely see anything as being negative or “bad”. You’ll soon realize that even those situations where you thought you had missed out on something ultimately lead to you getting something even better.

Title Icon: 3 - Carefully select the company you keep

Simply put, surround yourself with positive people and positive material. This doesn’t only mean spending more time with optimistic friends, but also reading, listening to and watching personal development material that’s based on the abundance mentality. Even the time you spend alone can expose you to messages other people put out there, so make sure you’re aware of that. Of course, you may also have to limit the time you spend with negative Nancys – whether they’re real people in your life, TV personalities or writers.

Title Icon: 4 - Rationalize it

Basically, I’m asking you to think about it really really carefully before you continue indulging in the scarcity mindset. When someone makes more money than you, does that limit the overall amount you could potentially earn? Nope. When someone else buys themselves a boat, does that mean you will never be allowed to get one? Of course not! There’s not a set amount of any of these things in the world. We can always build new boats, create new jobs and print more money. Do you ever worry that if someone breathes in too much oxygen, there won’t be enough for you? No, coz air is abundant. But if air was a commodity you had to purchase to consume and there were only a few tanks of it left in the world, then you’d be right to worry, coz we need it to survive. But a lot of the time, the things that really are truly scarce aren’t necessary for our survival or happiness and those that are necessary are only artificially made to look or feel scarce. The trick is to learn how to control your emotions, so you can think more logically when someone’s using scare-mongering against you. Click here to learn how.

Title Icon: 5 - Be the change you want to see in the world

If you want more love in your life, be more loving towards others. If you want more money, give money away. If you want more time, spend it helping those in need. When you treat your resources as though they can never run out, you will eventually believe it – not to mention prove it to yourself when you see you don’t have any less after giving to others. Every time you give something away freely, your mind thinks: “I wouldn’t be giving this away, if I didn’t already have more than enough of it”, so it believes there is abundance. This will eventually reinforce this mentality in your mind to the point where believing it is second nature to you. Think of money, love and time as water. When any of it flows through your life like a river, it will come back to you in a beautiful, healthy way and you will never be without it. When you hoard it like a reservoir, it will grow stale, stagnant and gross, so even the amount of it you have will be useless to you.

Title Icon: 6 - Maximize what you already have

Organize and make better use of your current resources. When everything has a place and a function, you will see just how little you actually need to be healthy and happy. Minimalism can help you figure out what serves you best, and thus allow you to see just how much time and space you already have in your life. You then realize there’s more than enough to go around, because you have more than you need already and didn’t even realize it. Click here to learn how to leverage minimalism to your advantage without getting rid of everything or becoming a monk.

Title Icon: 7 - Stop comparing yourself to others

Comparing yourself to others often generates an unhealthy amount of jealousy and envy. If you’d like tips on how to overcome either of those emotions, click here. An abundance mentality keeps things in perspective. Most of the time, we don’t know what we don’t have until we see what others have. Before you heard about the new jet pack your neighbour bought, you probably thought your life was fine without one. Social media and advertisements make this so much harder, which is why I suggest you stay away from them as much as possible. For more tips and tricks to stop comparing yourself to others, click here

Title Icon: 8 - Use your vocabulary wisely

Like I said in this video, the words you use change your vibrations, your thoughts, your emotions and your physical reactions. Stop using phrases like “It’s impossible,” “I can’t do it”, “I can’t afford to”, “There just isn’t enough…”, “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never be happy”. Tell yourself you can and you will. Self-limiting beliefs can really get you stuck in a scarcity loop, because they stop you from trying to get out of it. Recruit your friends and family to help you notice when you use negative vocabulary that keeps you in a scarcity mindset and try to consciously replace them with more positive, abundant words and phrases, like “Anything is possible, when you try hard enough”, “I can do anything I set my mind to”, “I can afford anything, as long as it’s important to me”, “There is always more than enough to go around”, “I’m worthy of love” and “I’m grateful and happy with what I’ve got”.

Title Icon: 9 - Knowing much is not enough to be wise – but it helps

Recognize that you can never know it all. We all need to constantly and continually grow and learn throughout your entire life. This video can help you get used to learning on a regular basis. Don’t feel like you are useless because you don’t know something. You can always study it and develop new skills, no matter what they are. That’s a very healthy way to think and act – as long as you’re doing it for the right reasons. 

Title Icon: 10 - Be responsive – not reactive

In this video, I explained differences between a response and a reaction. It’s important not to just let things happen to you. Plan, look ahead, take calculated risks and be courageous. But courageous people aren’t always born. Sometimes you have to develop courage within yourself. Check out this video, if you need help getting over your fears. 

Title Icon: 11 - Be mindfully aware of the present moment

Being here now helps you focus enough to do things properly, so you always have enough time, energy and clarity. When you live in the now, you really feel the abundance around you. When you’re constantly living in the past or the future, time feels scarce and scary, limited and limiting, so check out this video, I made to teach you how to develop a mindful attitude, coz I know it’s not easy.

Title Icon: 12 - Money is a tool, not a goal

As just like any other tool, it should be used to reach your goals. It should help and support you in your journey to health and happiness, not be the sole reason you’re living your life. It shouldn’t scare you or stress you out either. It shouldn’t be the one thing you care about above all else and it shouldn’t be the end-all-be-all that determines your worth, happiness or success.

Title Icon: 13 - Adopt a beginner’s mind

When we’re children, we have a mind full of wonder and curiosity. By default, we come without judgement, fear, limiting beliefs or harmful assumptions. You have so much to gain by going back to this frame of mind. When you don’t think about what is right, best or ideal, things change substantially for you. There’s no anxiousness that the past will repeat itself or that something is too hard for you. You don’t feel like a fraud or unworthy of what you’re attempting. A beginner’s mind allows you to approach any subject with the freedom of not knowing if it’s supposed to be difficult or painful to pursue. The amazing thing is that, if you don’t expect these things to happen, they usually don’t.

Title Icon: 14 - Master the art of giving and receiving

When you share what you have with others, they will often share with you as well. You will quickly become convinced that there is more than enough to go around when you see how willing people are to share and give openly from what they’ve got. If we get into a tough spot, there’s always someone who can help us – especially if we’ve racked up the right amount of karmic points, so to speak. Not to mention, when you spend time with people who have less of something than you and you see that they are still willing to give, it will show you just how abundant life really is. So show others compassion and if you find it a little difficult to do, here are my top tips to make it easier.

Title Icon: 15 - Stop being so hard on yourself

Most of the time, we’re the only thing standing in our own way. Abundance might be everywhere around us, but we can’t see it because we don’t allow ourselves to enjoy any of it. There can be many reasons why people refuse to show themselves love, but once you give in and accept it, your eyes open to a whole new world of abundance and opportunity. If you’re one of the many people in the world who have a hard time showing themselves compassion and affection, click here to make it easier on yourself.


Try out the above suggestions and if you’re still finding my advice too difficult, you can ask for help in the comments below, send me a message, or book a FREE breakthrough session so I can help you through Skype.

You can find more Happiness Strategy videos on my YouTube channel, so subscribe to make sure you never miss an episode! I come out with a new one every single Sunday.

Until next time, remember: Happiness doesn’t require energy. It requires Strategy.

44 Responsesso far.

  1. Lisa Brick says:

    I also coach and was surfing the web to find something about appreciation and resistatnce to send to a client which is how I happened upon your site. Great recommendations here for a more rewarding existence! I wish you continued happiness, and continued prosperity in mind, body, and spirit.

    • Happyandauthentic says:

      I’m honored that you’d consider my content worthy of your client. As a coach myself, I know how much we can care for those we guide and that anything less than perfect wouldn’t cut it. I wish you and your client both the best of luck with your journey. ^_^

  2. Karen L Lemonds says:

    I found you on You Tube which led me here. I can tell from what I’ve heard and read so far that you have insight and information that will help me grow on my quest to being a happier person and leading a more fulfilling life. Thank you!

    • HappyandAuthentic says:

      Hello, Karen! Thanks for reaching out! 🙂 It feels good to know you’ve gained value from my content.

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