Home » Happiness » 7 Unbelievable Ways to Affect Emotion Using Motion

7 Unbelievable Ways to Affect Emotion Using Motion

According to cognitive behavioural therapy, motion and emotion are linked. Everything you feel influences changes in your body, but your emotions are also the result of how you use your body. It works both ways. The tiniest variation in a gesture or facial expression can shift the way you feel, think and act, because every emotion is linked with a specific set of motions. Not just posture, breathing and expressions, but also chemical reactions inside your body that trigger more emotions and movement patterns of their own.

If you’ve watched my video on changing emotion using motion, you’ll know all the reasons why it’s important to be in control of your physical body and all the benefits you have to gain by training yourself to change how you feel at a moment’s notice. If you haven’t watched it yet, here it is below. It’ll explain exactly how changing the way your body moves can change the way you think and feel.

Once you’ve watched it, continue reading to discover 7 easy ways you can use the physiology of happiness to your advantage.

  1. An easy way to teach yourself to use positive physiology is to mirror naturally happy, confident people and learn how to use the same physiology they do. Look at how they stand, what they look like when they smile, what they sound like when they laugh. Take on their posture, their facial expressions, their tone of voice and their speech rate. It’s all important. You don’t have to do it exactly like they do. Just copy them at first, so you can get a feel for what it looks, sounds and feels like to be positive. Then you can adapt it to your own style.

  1. Breathe faster and deeper, just like you do when you’re excited. Take deep breaths in through your nose, exhale strongly through your mouth. Notice how your breathing changes when you exercise and try to emulate those qualities when you’re not puffed out.

  1. When you feel unmotivated or sad, make your blood flow faster by jumping, skipping or jogging. The sudden burst of movement will release the chemicals that make you feel better, as well as change your breathing into the type that motivates you to take action. A bonus plus side is that the sillier the movement (i.e: doing a ridiculous dance jig out of nowhere) will make you inadvertently smile – especially if you do it in front of a mirror and you see how hilarious it looks!
  1. Pretend to laugh. This eventually triggers a real laugh, and all the health benefits real laughs come with. A fun little exercise I like to employ when I’m with close friends or family, is to play the Giggle Game. The rules are simple: you both pretend to laugh at the same time. When the pretend laugh starts to become a real one, you raise your hand to signal that the game is over. Warning: It’s addictive.

  1. Learn how to practise a genuine smile properly and choose to do it more often, even when you don’t have any reason to. When you smile genuinely, the corners of your mouth go up, your eyes narrow slightly creating crow’s feet, and the upper half of your cheeks rise. You smile using your entire face, your teeth are showing and you exhale slightly as you do it. Usually after only a few seconds of pretending to smile like this, a real smile is triggered.

  1. Practise physio-mental state interruption to notice and stop your negative patterns. Here are the steps you need to follow:
  • Identify and name the negative state that you currently find yourself in (e.g. depressed, unmotivated, etc.). Write it down.
  • Quantify the negative state using a value system from 0 to 5 (0= no discomfort, 5 = the highest level of discomfort). Write it down.
  • Stand in front of a full length mirror pick a spot to concentrate on.
  • Create a genuine smile while humming the Happy Birthday song, jumping up and down and waving your arms around.
  • Do this until the level of your negative state lowers to 1 or 0.


  1. Practise physiology state elicitation. This means you can prompt yourself to feel a certain way by training yourself to respond to a physical stimulus. The instructions are below.
  • Decide which emotional state you want to train yourself to experience. Self Confidence will be used in this exercise.
  • Ask yourself the following questions, then perform the suggested actions.
  • If you were extremely Self Confident:
  • How would you move?
  • How would your posture be?
  • What kind of mannerisms and gestures would you employ?
  • What kind of voice tempo and pitch would you use?
  • What kind of gaze would you have?
  • How would you breathe?
  • Practice these movements for a couple minutes and ensure that you are fully engaged.
  • Notice how it feels to move your body Self-Confidently.
  • Perceive how your frame of mind starts imitating the given state that you are practicing.
  • When your mind has fully translated and become one with the positive physiological movements that you are performing, mentally imagine that the state has increased exponentially. At the peak of its intensity and in the pinnacle of the experience create a unique physical stimulus (e.g. touching your right thumb with your right forefinger, or snapping your fingers)
  • Practice the full exercise for 30 days. After a full 30 days of practising, you’ll have associated the stimulus with the emotional state and anytime you fire the physical anchor you will immediately enter the desired state.

Try some of these out and if it still seems hard and foreign to you, ask me in the comments below. I answer every single one. You can even send me a message, or book a complimentary breakthrough session to see how I can personally help you out through Skype.

If you want more videos with free happiness tips, visit my YouTube channel and subscribe! I make a new video every single Sunday and each one comes with an article just like this one that helps you put the strategy into practice.

If you’re looking for more free ways to create a happier life for yourself, click here for my self-help resources page. There are three books there I particularly recommend, which will change your life. The second one is my favourite and it completely transformed who I am!

I’ll see you next Sunday! Until then, remember: Happiness doesn’t require energy. It requires Strategy.

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