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7 Overlooked Ways to Upgrade Your Problems

If you’ve watched my video on how to choose more empowering problems, you’ll know why you can never truly solve 100% of your problems.

If you haven’t watched it yet, I’ve provided it below. It will explain exactly how upgrading your problems can make you happier than simply trying to solve them.

If you’ve watched it, here are my 7 tips to easily upgrade your problems:

Title Icon: Take action in the direction of change

Change happens all the time, and we’re never quite sure how we feel about it. Sometimes we want things to change, sometimes we don’t, and when it doesn’t happen the way we want it to, we call that a problem. By our very nature we’re never really content with where we are, so we’re obsessed with constantly improving everything. How we look, how we think, where we live, where we work. The list is endless! If things suddenly plateau, even if we’re exactly where we once wanted to be, we tell ourselves it’s a problem now and we want to change it again. 

Problems are born from change, but they can also be upgraded or exchanged via the same channel. Changing the tiniest detail about a problem can exchange it with another problem or even upgrade it to a better one. So the best thing you can do is change something, anything about the problem at hand and see which direction it leads you in. If it doesn’t go in the direction you want, change something else until it does. You never know how the smallest effort can have a massive butterfly effect on the whole situation.

Title Icon: Always consider the terms of the trade-off

Every decision you make has consequences. So make a pros and cons list before settling on any decision and be certain it’s as detailed as possible. You need to understand the repercussions of your every choice to up the possibility that you’re upgrading your problems and not simply exchanging them for similar – or worse – ones.

Title Icon: find the problems you enjoy tackling

Figure out which activities you enjoy doing that others can’t even bear the thought of. What kind of tasks do you love that most people hate? Is there anything you are willing to put up with that others would consider an insurmountable odd? Try to make decisions that put you in situations where you can solve problems in those ways rather than other ways you might dislike.

Title Icon: find a cause worth struggling for

Discover what values you believe are worth striving for and make sure your decisions always align with those values. If you believe in your cause, the difficulties won’t feel like problems at all. If you are unaware of what your values are, click here (link to values test) to do a free online test that can help you out. Or click here (link to values article) to read about all the ways you can benefit from prioritizing your values.

Title Icon: Reward yourself during the process

Don’t just hold out for the reward at the end of the tunnel, otherwise you’ll be training yourself to only be happy when you reach the solution. Whereas it’s important to find happiness in the process. So when you notice progress, even if you are very far away from the solution, reward yourself. Celebrate.

Title Icon: Treat every problem like a teacher

If you are tackling a problem you didn’t consciously choose for yourself, brainstorm ways you can find the most meaning from this situation. Is there something you can learn from it? Is there some way you can use it to slingshot to a similar problem of your own choosing, even if it’s not an upgraded version? Or seek out support from people who are going through it or have already, so you can learn from their experiences and speed up your learning process.

Title Icon: No expectations means no disappointments.

If you don’t have a preconceived notion of how you want every situation to go and you’re open to life unfolding as it will, you will be inspired by every situation. You won’t be upset that it didn’t turn out the way you wanted, because you accept how it happened and you didn’t want anything in particular. Understand that everything changes and there is no particular goal you are reaching towards that once you get it you’ll be all set. Life is fluid and if you find happiness in living through those changes as they come, you’ll be happy. You can’t get it wrong if you don’t have a plan. Now I’m not saying don’t have any goals at all. I’m just saying that if you have a goal that’s intangible and based on life being fluid and ever-chaging, you’ll be happier than if you had everything mapped out and then got upset every time the little details didn’t turn out that way.


Respond with grace and courage to new problems, no matter who chose them or how bad they are. You will soon train your brain to react in ways that promote level-headed processing that will more quickly solve the issue. Remember that you are always in control of your behaviours and it’s in your best interest to take action steps towards a solution, rather than rolling over and taking a beating.

Try out these tips and if you’re still having trouble, ask me in the comments below, send me a message, or book a complimentary breakthrough session to see how I can personally help you out.

If you haven’t watched the video that comes with this article, scroll back to the top of this page and have a look. I promise you will get so much value from it! If you want more videos with free happiness tips, visit my YouTube channel and subscribe! Each video comes with an article like this one to help you put its strategy into practice.

If you’re looking for more free ways to create a happier life for yourself, click here for self-help resources. There are three books there I particularly recommend. The second one is my favourite and it personally transformed my life!

See you next Sunday! Until then, remember: Happiness doesn’t require energy. It requires Strategy.


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