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26 Sneaky Ways to Spend More Time Outdoors

If you’ve watched my video about the power nature has over our bodies and you’d like to learn some simple ways to go outside more often when you’re on a tight schedule, you’ve come to the right place.

If you haven’t watched the video yet, here it is below. In it, I explain exactly how communing with nature can not only increase your happiness, but also your physical and emotional health. Once you’ve watched the video, read the rest of this article to discover how to nurture that habit in your daily life in a way that syncs up nicely with your work and family routine.


Title Icon: "I don't have time!"

If it seems like you just don’t have the time to go outside:

Go outside in small doses: Spending time outdoors doesn’t have to take up your entire day. Take a short walk on your lunch break or spend some time in your backyard or on your patio before, during or after a meal.

Save time by thinking ahead: Pack a small bag with outdoor essentials and keep it near the front door for easy access when you’re inspired to go outside. Include a picnic blanket, sunscreen and a few water bottles, so you can grab it on the go knowing you’re fully equipped.

Multitask: Combine chores, exercise and outdoor time by running your errands on foot instead of driving.

Title Icon: "It's too hot!"

I know that in the middle of summer you might be more inspired to stay in an air-conditioned space rather than sweat outside in the sun, so here are some tips to help you beat the heat:

Time it properly: Go outside in the mornings and evenings, before and after the sun has hit its peak.

Drink water: It might go without saying, but the less you drink, the less you’ll want to stay outside.

Seek out trees: The temperature under the shade of a tree can be 25 degrees cooler than the space around it. Extra points if you climb the tree, instead of sitting under it!

Title Icon: "It's too cold!"

Most of the time, when the weather is cold, I wish humans hibernated in the winter. But seeing as we’re apparently not supposed to do that, here are some tips that might help you through it:

Wear layers: When outside, wear several layers of clothing, coz the heat captured between the layers keeps you warm. Make sure to cover your head and extremities, as they lose heat faster than your torso.

Drink warm beverages: Staying hydrated ensures your skin won’t get dry and cracked. You can combine hydration with warmth by sticking to warm beverages. Watch out for excess caffeine and sugar though!

Stay sun smart: Just because it’s cold, doesn’t mean you can’t still get a sunburn. The glare reflecting off snow, clouds and icy surfaces can intensify the rays that hit your body, so make sure to wear a hat, sunglasses and sometimes even sun-cream, when you’re outdoors.

Okay. So now that we’ve got the most prevalent excuses out of the way, here are some of my favourite ways to go outside, even when time is tight. They’re separated into summer and winter activities, coz we all know we’re not as motivated to go outside when it’s too hot or too cold.


Title Icon: WHEN IT'S HOT

Take a book outside: Reading can be done anywhere, so why not take your book (or e-reader) outside and sit on the grass? You could go to a nearby park and read under a tree. Or read at the beach. The options are limited only by your imagination.

Visit a park: You don’t need a reason (like reading a book) to go to a park. Whether you live in a city or rural area, there are parks virtually everywhere, so find one you like and go for a stroll.

Start a nature journal: A nature journal can be a great motivator for you to want to be outside and to explore new and different places. It’s basically just a notebook where you write about the different places you go to and the animals and plants you saw there.

Exercise outside: If you already make time to exercise, moving your workout from indoors to outdoors can make a huge difference to your health and wellness. Instead of jogging on the treadmill, go for a run around a nearby park or take your yoga mat to a pretty outdoor space like the beach at sunset. You can go swimming or rock climbing. Any number of exercises we usually do indoors will be more fun (and way cheaper) when done outside.

Work outside: If you have the freedom or flexibility in your job, take your work outdoors. Bring your laptop and use nearby free Wi-Fi or bring your own. Even taking your meetings outdoors can be beneficial. A change of scenery keeps things fresh, engaging and interesting enough to boost your co-workers’ creativity, too! You can even take your conference calls outside, while walking around a pretty area. It will inject an air of confidence into your voice that might translate to more revenue.

Get up earlier and take a walk: This may sound like the last thing you wanna do, but if you’ve read The Miracle Morning, you’ll know why it’s worth the effort. Not only does it squeeze a little bit of extra free time into your day, but it also gives you a powerful start, energizes you and makes you more likely to follow through with your goals.

Have your lunch in a green space: If you can’t take your work outside, try to spend your lunch break in a park or under the nearest tree. It will refresh you better than eating at your desk and will help you be more productive when you return.

Take up an outdoor hobby: Surf, run, start a garden, join an outdoor archery club. These days you can turn any hobby into an outdoor hobby. But even if none of your current hobbies can be converted, try to find something new that you would enjoy doing outdoors. Meetup.com can help you find other likeminded people, if you don’t like doing new things alone.

Start Using Public Transportation: Buses and trains not only save you money, because you don’t need to pay for fuel or parking, but they also force you to walk some of the way. It gives you a little sneaky exercise as well as allowing you to be outside for a little.

Have A Picnic: You can have a picnic any time of the year, but let’s be honest: most of us only do it in the Spring and Summer (maaaaybe in the Autumn, if it’s unseasonably warm). Regardless of the time of year, however, having a picnic is never done indoors. Whether you do it in your backyard, a nearby park or the outskirts of town, it’s always a charming and fun way to spend time outside. You don’t even need another person to make it worth it. Every time I have a picnic alone, it always recharges my batteries and I feel refreshed and emboldened to take on the rest of the day, week, etc.

Get Creative with Nature Photography: You don’t need a nifty $1000 camera to take pictures of pretty things. Take your phone to a nearby green space and start snapping. Butterflies, flowers and trees all make wonderful subjects. Who knows? You might even see that you’re good at it and end up making an account you can make money off.

Plan a Camping Trip: Camping is so much fun when you’re a kid. But if you haven’t gone as as adult, you don’t know what you’re missing out on. It allows you some time away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, unplugs you from your phone and internet connection and reconnects you with nature. Doesn’t matter if you’re glamping or going about it Bear Grills style.

Complete “The Rewild Your Life 30 Day Challenge”: If you like a challenge and you feel more motivated when other people are involved, then try The Rewild Your Life 30 Day Challenge by “We Are Wildness”. It gets you to spend 30 minutes outside in nature for 30 consecutive days. There are daily activities for you to complete and you receive access to an online community of thousands of other like-minded people you can share your experiences with.

Walk a Dog: Doesn’t even have to be your own dog. I’m sure you know someone who has a dog. Ask them if you could take their beloved pet for a walk. You’d be surprised how many people would be eager to get out of doing it for a day. Dogs get so excited by nature that their enthusiasm can be contagious.

Go for a Walk while Listening to a New Album, Podcast or Audio Book: If walking in silence doesn’t sound particularly enticing, give yourself something fun to listen to. Maybe you haven’t had much time to listen to your favourite band lately, or there’s a book you’ve always wanted to read that you just never got around to. Get it as an audiobook and take yourself for a stroll for 30 minutes every day. Most audiobooks are between 2 and 6 hours long, so you’ll be done with it in a week or two. Podcasts can be interesting too. Some are funny, which would allow you some time to unwind. Others are educational and can teach you something you’ve always wanted to know. The world is your oyster!

Take a Child to the Playground: Again, doesn’t have to be yours. But definitely make sure it’s a kid whose parents you know well, or it could get messy. And ALWAYS ask them for permission. I know it sounds like a no brainer, but you’d be surprised how mindless people can be sometimes. Friends and family members with children would LOVE an hour or two of free babysitting. They get to unwind and you get the pleasure of learning the magic of present-mindedness from their little one. Playing with kids forces you to move at a slower pace and appreciate the little things. Children can be the best meditation teachers, as they don’t know how to exist anywhere else other than the present moment. Or you could just relax on a bench in a beautiful park, soak in some sun and watch them have fun with other little humans.

Go Horseback Riding: If you’ve never ridden a horse, you’re in for a treat! You can explore the same trails available to you as a hiker, but go greater distances without getting as tired. However, it’s not a passive activity, so don’t think you’ll be bored. It strengthens your legs and arms, improves your balance, your coordination and your flexibility. And of course, you get the added bonus of bonding with another living being while being outside.

Join a Sports Team: Whether it’s your company sports team or one in your local community, joining one has so many benefits. It allows you to socialize, the benefits of which I covered in this (socialize) video. It keeps you accountable to regularly exercise, which has obvious benefits. And it’s usually done outside. I know a few sports aren’t necessarily outdoor sports, so make an effort to join a team that holds all or at least most of its games in an outdoor green space.

Explore the City by Bicycle: Many major cities the world over have bike share programs now, a convenient and inexpensive way to ride around. Whether your in a familiar city or a new one, take some time to explore it on two wheels and go looking for nearby parks or sanctuaries. If there’s no bike share, you can still rent a bike or buy one, if you’re committed. I promise you won’t regret that purchase. You’ll get a good workout and experience more of the city than you would from a bus, train or car.

Start a Garden: The easiest way to get outside is to stay in your own backyard. Especially on days when you just don’t have the energy, you’ll benefit from spending some time in the sun without having to go too far. If you don’t have much of a green thumb, start small. Visit a garden centre and ask for recommendations of hard-to-kill plants. If you don’t have a yard, plant in small containers and window boxes. They’ll give you a twice-daily reason to go outside and care for them. Watering your plants, cutting off dead flowers and clearing away weeds and leaves can be very soothing and meditative. You might even find that you enjoy growing your own food, which will make you healthier.

Title Icon: WHEN IT'S COLD

If you're anything like me, when the weather gets a little cool, all you wanna do is grab a hot beverage and watch your favourite series under your blanket fort. But every now and then I feel the pull of nature calling me outside, so I’m gonna share my favourite ways that have the power to lure me out of my hibernation cave.

Drink your coffee, tea or cocoa outside: Not kidding, take your warm beverage outside in the morning and just sit. It will warm you up while allowing you to reap the natural benefits of communing with nature (your garden or a nearby park). 

Keep it Simple: Going outside doesn’t have to be a two-day challenge. You can simply build a snowman in your backyard, make snow angels, build forts, have an epic snowball fight and  blow bubbles (if you’ve never done it in the snow, DO IT NOW! They freeze and it’s the coolest thing ever!).

Try Something New: You’ve got more incentive to go outside when you’re not stuck in the middle of a boring routine. Try anything from cross-country skiing and winter hiking to ice-fishing and ice-climbing. I guarantee you there is something you haven’t tried yet just waiting to be discovered!

Make it Fun: Go sledding down a local hill and race a loved one to the bottom. Create an obstacle course in your backyard and see who can complete it in the fastest time. Hold a winter scavenger hunt in a local park. There are many ways to add a competitive edge to any activity.

Explore Your Neighbourhood: Take a walk through the neighbourhood. This is another way to keep it simple while venturing beyond your backyard. You can try new routes each time, looking for things you hadn’t noticed before. Walking with loved ones is a great way to combine physical activity with spending quality time together.

Go Snowshoeing: Snowshoeing is like a cross between hiking and walking, only it’s obviously done in the snow. It allows you to get some exercise while experiencing the beauty and stillness that comes with winter in the woods. It’s easy to do and doesn’t require high stamina.


Try out these tips and if you’re still finding this advice hard to implement, ask for help in the comments below, send me a message, or book a FREE breakthrough session to see how I can help you through Skype.

You can find more Happiness Strategy videos on my YouTube channel, so subscribe to make sure you never miss an episode! I come out with a new one every single Sunday.

Until next time, remember: Happiness doesn’t require energy. It requires Strategy.

One Responsesso far.

  1. […] your mood, reduce stress, and can even treat mental health issues like depression. You can easily spend more time outdoors by going on a daily walk, having lunch in your local park, or doing outdoor activities like hiking […]

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