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The Easiest Way to Find Your Life Purpose

If you’ve watched my video on finding your life purpose, you’ll know that your Life Purpose isn’t something that just falls into your lap. Nor is it something you search your whole life to find. It’s a decision you make based on 3 very personal factors: your core values, your interests and your gifts.

If you haven’t seen it yet, click here to watch the video and learn all the ways that setting smart goals can make you happier.

If you've watched it already, you're ready for my tips on how to set smart goals easily:

Core Values are the fundamental beliefs you carry about life. They help you tell right from wrong and are a little bit like an internal navigation system. They are the unspoken rules and regulations, terms and conditions by which you live your life. Your mind uses them to make quick decisions based on the things you consider important. Without them you wouldn’t be able to prioritize, because your priorities directly reflect your values. If you want to find your purpose (your life’s highest priority), you absolutely must be familiar with your values, so you can make sure this purpose and all the goals associated with it are in alignment with those values.

You don’t always consciously create or choose your values. In fact, most of them were handed down to you from your parents, friends and role-models without you even knowing. If you wish to change them, that’s totally within your power. But first you must figure out where they currently stand. Even if you don’t want to change them, it’s important to know what they are, because they play such a major part in your happiness. That’s because we feel like something’s amiss when the things we say and do don’t align with the things we consider important.

Your interests are the pastimes that bring you to life. The topics you think about all the time and the events you can’t wait to make time for. They are the subjects you most often research and read about. They are your hobbies; the activities you carry out in your free time (and maybe even at work, if you’re lucky). You don’t necessarily have to be good at them either. You just have to enjoy doing them.

Your gifts are the tasks you are good at. They are the things you have a knack for, whether people say you are talented at them or not. Sometimes we are endowed with talent for things we don’t particularly take pleasure in doing, but more often than not we derive enjoyment from excelling at something, even if we aren’t recognized for it.

Most people have a list of many different values, interests and gifts, which is why they have trouble figuring out what their purpose should be. But if you were to create a Venn diagram, where your list of Values was entered into one circle, your Interests in a second circle and your Gifts in a third, the common elements found in the space where all three circles intersect could be used to create a Life Purpose you’d be happy with and excited by.

A Venn Diagram like this can help you find your Purpose

A Venn Diagram like this can help you find your Purpose

I’ve included an example below. Consider these values, interests and gifts for Person E:



Service to others





Good memory

Steady hands



The human body

Fixing things

Solving problems

A profession that combines all three is surgery. Becoming a leading surgeon who provides humanitarian aid and helps people regain their health would be an excellent Life Purpose for this person.

Your interests and gifts should be pretty easy for you to list, but Values are a bit harder, so here’s an interactive form that can help you determine your values here (https://www.happyandauthentic.com/determine-your-values). If you’d like even more help with it, I’ve taken the liberty of featuring a handy little activity below that you can use to help you out.


Consider the following questions and answer them to the best of your ability.

  1. Recall times when you have been so absorbed in what you were doing that you hardly noticed the time. What were you doing?
  1. Think about the things that you find meaningful. What do you think of? Include ideals, feelings, and activities.
  1. What values are most important to you? Circle/check all of the values that are most important to you from the examples below and/or add your own. Feel free to circle/check those that were identified from your essay and the exercises above as well.

The Values '"List" below is ONLY to give you some ideas of example or sample values. We are each unique, so there will undoubtedly be words that are missing from this list, and different words that sum up your values better. Feel free to add those words to the end of the list below in the blank spaces.

1.             Accomplishment/Achievement

2.             Accuracy

3.             Acknowledgement

4.            Advancement

5.             Adventure

6.            Authenticity

7.             Autonomy

8.            Balance

9.            Beauty

10.       Belonging to a group

11.        Boldness

12.        Building something

13.        Calm

14.       Challenge

15.        Collaboration

16.       Community

17.        Compassion

18.       Competition

19.       Comradeship

20.       Confidence

21.        Connectedness

22.        Contentment

23.        Contribution

24.       Cooperation

25.        Courage

26.       Creating beauty

27.        Creating information

28.       Creating social change

29.       Creating something new

30.       Creativity

31.        Curiosity

32.        Decision-making

33.        Decisiveness

34.       Determination

35.        Directness

36.       Discovery

37.        Ease

38.       Effortlessness

39.       Empowerment

40.      Entrepreneurship

41.       Enthusiasm

42.       Environment

43.       Equality

44.      Excellence

45.       Excitement

46.      Fame

47.       Fairness

48.      Family Happiness

49.      Financial Security

50.       Flexibility

51.        Focus

52.        Forgiveness

53.        Freedom

54.       Friendship

55.        Fun/Leisure

56.       Generosity

57.        Gentleness

58.       Groundedness

59.       Growth

60.      Happiness

61.       Harmony

62.       Health

63.       Helping others

64.      Honesty

65.       Honour

66.      Humour

67.       Idealism

68.      Improvement

69.      Independence

70.       Influencing people

71.        Innovation

72.        Integrity

73.        Intuition

74.       Joy

75.        Kindness

76.       Leadership

77.        Learning/growing

78.       Listening

79.       Love

80.      Loyalty

81.       Mastery

82.       Optimism

83.       Orderliness

84.      Participation

85.       Partnership

86.      Passion

87.       Patience

88.      Peace

89.      Personal development

90.      Physical activity

91.       Presence

92.       Productivity

93.       Recognition

94.      Repairing/fixing something

95.       Respect

96.      Resourcefulness

97.       Risk-taking

98.      Romance

99.      Safety

100. Security

101.  Self-Esteem

102.  Self-expression

103.  Service to others

104. Simplicity

105.  Spirituality

106. Spontaneity

107.  Stability

108. Status

109. Strength

110.  Tact

111.   Teamwork

112.   Tenacity

113.   Thankfulness

114.  Tolerance

115.   Tradition

116.  Trust

117.   Understanding

118.  Unity

119.  Vision

120.  Vitality

121.   Wealth

122.   Wisdom

123.   _________________

124.  _________________

125.   _________________

126.  _________________

127.   _________________

128.  _________________

129.  _________________

130.  _________________


  1. Now, choose the ten most important to you
  1. Prioritize them from least important to most important.
  1. Out of your top ten, which are the five most important to you? Add those to your Venn Diagram


Try out these tips and if you’re still having trouble, send me your questions here, or book a complimentary breakthrough session to see how I can personally help you out.

Want more videos with free happiness tips? Visit my YouTube channel today! Each video comes with an article like this one to help you put its strategy into practice.

If you’re looking for more detailed ways to create a happier life, click here for self-help resources. There are three books there I particularly recommend. The second one is my favourite and it personally transformed my life!

See you next Sunday! And remember: happiness doesn’t require energy, it requires strategy.

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